… in less than 3 months.

Getting married is not as complicated as you think, I can teach you.

Learn the process that helped me (and 100s of other women) finally find true love.

Meet & Marry your Soulmate


There’s no better time than now to be in love.

Do you often think “I’m running out of time”or “Why is it so easy for others to fall in love, but not me”?

8 years ago I was exactly where you are. Sad, confused and overwhelmed by men, and my lack of qualified prospects.

You’re not alone, I can help. I’v simplified the process of finding love.

No other coach is teaching this method.

I created the fastest and most effective way to attract SOULMATE-level love and the best part is… the men don’t have to change. Just you!

Imagine waking up every morning next to your adoring Soulmate.

I’ll teach you my step-by-step strategy that helped me meet my Soulmate, Chris in under 3 months.

Join hundreds of other women who found security, satisfaction and lifelong love through my coaching program.

Right now is the best time to meet your dream man, it all starts with a call.

Let's Chat →


This program is for you if you …

  • settle for emotionally unavailable or non-committal men.

  • miss or ignore red flags.

  • often feel lonely and wonder why it looks so easy for others to meet & fall in love.

  • want the chance to have a child before it’s too late.

  • have a hard time keeping men interested.

    Here’s the good news, you’re not alone. I’ve been where you are, and I can help you.

In my 16 week “fast track to love” coaching program, you will…

  • Quickly weed out emotionally unavailable or non-committal men while becoming magnetic to loving, consistent and committed men.

  • Learn to attract high-quailty men by creating a scientifically proven, irresistible online dating profile tailored to ONLY your ideal partner. (Guaranteed up-level your dating experience immediately).

  • Implement my proven feminine-energy dating strategy- More connection with less work.

  • Navigate the dating apps efficiently by working with the algorithms, instead of against them.

  • Stop feeling confused men’s mixed messages & transform into the women that men put on a pedestal and want to marry.

  • Transform from a “Single-mindset” to a “Soulmate-mindset”.

  • Become a women with unwavering worthiness & self respect, even after rejection.

  • Become a master of manifestation and abundance; up-level every relationship in your life.

  • Discover why you must first become “The One” to attract “The One”.

  • Once you’ve found love, master the mindset tools and skills necessary to sustain & grow the Soulmate relationship.

How to work with me…
16 week, 1 to 1 private coaching

If you’ve never tried LOVE coaching before, you may be skeptical, I invite you to learn more about my signature process on a free consultation call.

Your happily-ever-after starts here!

I’m Kerrie!

Hello, you are in the right place if you really want to get married and think you’ve tried everything to meet “The One”, you’ve probably read all the self help books, tried all the dating apps, you’re in your 30’s or 40’s and just feel like your running out of time to get married and have a family.

I’v been where you are and I’m here to help you, I am Kerrie The Soulmate Coach and I too, struggled for over 15 years dating ALL the emotionally unavailable men all over in NYC, I too cried myself to sleep wondering where is he, why is it so easy for others to meet and fall in love, but so hard for me? 

I knew there had to something other women knew about getting married, that I didn’t, and I became obsessed with finding out what it was …. I just had to know why some women get tons of marriage proposals while others cannot seem get a 2nd date, why some women have men traveling halfway across the world to be w them, while other women can’t get a man to leave the couch.

I did extensive research on feminine and masculine mating & dating rituals, relational psycho-therapy, different attachment styles and after years of research I created the fastest and best way to attract life long soulmate level love.

I can proudly say I am a product of my product, I used the exact process I teach in my program to meet my soulmate, Chris, in just under 3 months after applying this framework. I am happily married for 8 years, and we have a beautiful 5 yr old son, little Chris, whom I had when I was 39 yrs old so I do understand the struggles at all ages. I found love by applying the very teachings I teach in my program.

This is especially for you if you think “I’v tried everything to meet the one, and nothing has worked”, I guarantee, this is different, you have not tried this… I have the cheat code to finding love, as soon as I figured this out, and put it into practice my life changed, I met my soulmate, CHRIS.

More about me →

Client Love